Sunday, June 24, 2012

FFFF Week 1 Recap: "Best Breakup Song"

Week one of the Facebook Fun Friday Fray got off to a rollicking start, with answers ranging from the contemporary Grammy-winning dulcet sounds of Adele (courtesy of FFFF’s self-appointed co-founder Mike O’Neill) to the classic Motown stylings of Frakie Valli and the 4 Seasons.  We had a splash of modern pop culture heartbreak back story in the form of Kanye’s anti-love song to Amber Rose, and we even had a little bit of attempted rule bending in the form of multiple answers (mostly by people named Andy…)  Overall I was pleased with the wide variety of musical genres and years represented in the answers.  Clearly bad breakups and the songs that nurse us through are cross-generational.  However, despite the multitude of feisty, fun, (and one especially) filthy answers, there can be only one winner, so without further ado…

Winner, Week 1: Meatloaf’s “Two Outta Three Ain’t Bad, submitted by my esteemed uncle Andy Treesh.  Great song by a great artist (even if his “acting” career was poorly thought out), and one of America’s best singer of breakup songs we love to belt out in our showers and cars.

Runner Up, Week 1: Me, actually.  Further proving my awesomeness.  Or the love that my FB friends have for songs sung by Canadian vegans jilted by Uncle Joey from Full House.  I’ll just let you all think about that for a few minutes.  Sadly, no points awarded for runner ups (runners-up?) in the current scoring scheme of FFFF, though this could be up for discussion in the future.

Hat of Shame, Week 1: By unanimous vote of FFFF’s board of directors (ie Mike and me), no H.O.S. will be awarded for week 1, as everyone came up with decent answers.

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