Monday, April 9, 2007

off to a roaring start

with this blog, eh?

I really will be trying to post more often now, for a few reasons
2. I finally was able to recover the password to this blog, which was quite the feat in that I created it 3 months ago, forgot what email I signed up with, and forgot my user name as well.
3. Hopefully I'll be buying my plane tickets toward the end of this month

4. Most importantly: this article about Joe Mamlin was in yesterday's Star. Sure, spending 61 days in a 3rd world country makes me feel anxious at best and terrified at worst, but when I think about the work that Dr. Mamlin has done, I can't /help/ but be excited. In his short lifetime, he has transformed a country and given hope to thousands, probably millions. I am going to be a part of something that has changed the world. Something that will continue to change the world, as Dr. Mamlin's multi-disciplinary approach to fighting HIV/AIDS spreads to other countries in Africa, and more partnerships between American & African institutions are formed.

Joe & Sarah Ellen have created a legacy, a legacy that will last for many years regardless of whether or not he wins the Nobel Peace Prize. Though I personally think he should. (And it would be really cool, seeing as I've had dinner with the Mamlins). But mostly because he seriously deserves it.

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