Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Happy May Day!

Today marks the three-months-to-go mark until I'll be in Kenya! Well, at least I'll be in some sort of vehicle on my WAY to Kenya. This week is also super exciting because Wednesday is the first of several group meetings about the elective, and hopefully I'll get a few questions answered so we can buy plane tickets some time in the next week.

Aside from occasional moments of sheer panic when I think about actually LIVING in Africa for 2 months (without my husband, no less), I'm getting REALLY excited about going. Third year is so close to being done I can hardly stand it, then it's off to DC for a few days, taking my first exam of fourth year (before fourth year even starts -- how does that work?), taking the first part of step 2 boards, then learning swahili, and I'll be good to go. Or something like that.

And also, tomorrow is my dad's birthday.

(now if anyone has any suggestions on gifts, send them my way)

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